Well it's true I Alex Albrecht of sound mind purchased a Macintosh Computer...
Here's the deal. When I left the Screen Savers I asked a friend of mine to get me copies of 22 different episodes for my demo reel, hence the on to other things. Well he was very kind in digitizing all 22 episodes and dumping them on that 300GB firewire HD I bought. So it filled the whole thing and it took the better part of two days to digitize and transfer them. The only hiccup... he had a Mac! So just before Thanksgiving had 300GBs of Video I couldn't use!!! I tried using the Mac Drive emulators for XP didn't work. Tried using a Mac emulator for XP didn't work. I tried calling a dubbing house in LA to help and it would have cost $375 an Hour just to convert them... so I was at a cross roads. Do I keep my "not likey Macie" in tact or do I bite the bullet and get a one. Well the answer to that is get the Mac. So I went into my local Apple store, at the Grove, and purchased a Dual 2Ghz G5 with 1.5GB of RAM and a 160GB SATA HD... to say it's been a change is the understatement of the century. I've been using Final Cut Pro to do the edits and I have to say it's much nicer them Premier on my PC. The jury is still out as to weather I will love the switch or not but in the mean time I just wanted to let you all know...
- Alex
PS - I didn't get rid of my PC. Got a KVM switch and I'm Multi-tasking like crazy!!!