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« TSS is DEAD... | Main | Xbox live and Halo 2... »

November 13, 2004



take out the live cam.


Good luck in the future man, your pretty damned funny. I wish I could join my comrads and spam the G4 forums but they perma banned me. Hope you find a better and higher paying job.


Hey Alex I am glad you will keep the site up, You have alot of fans who care, and would like to know where to look for you next. Good Luck with what ever you do next!

Dillon Curtner

This makes me feel so much better.


I would like to point out that last night I watched Kevin and your Moblogs. I'm going to try to limit my hours of
G-Whore Tv. At first I said who is that guy with the funny hair. I kept watching and you made me laugh everday.

Those random topics in segments... and my favorite "Don't you hate it when your watching a rated R movie on an airplane and a boob flies up" I laughed so hard I cried.

I hope you can work something out with those stupid ignorant people at G4.


Wow. I adjusted when Leo and Patrick left, and now you? What's next? X-play? I want my TechTV back. *softly crys in the corner*


Way to keep on keepin' on!! Don't let the man keep you down! Gotta keep fightin'!


Are you kidding me that was the stupidest video ive ever seen. But it was still funny. I hope you get a kick *** job and can just let those retards at g4 kick themselves. thanks for keeping this site up i go to it almost everyday.


The pre-G4 days were so much better. Good people hosting good shows and having good times made great television. Sadly, G4 made it like MTV.

G4 fired the greatest.

I'm rooting for you guys.


glad to hear your keeping the blog. i still am trying to understand why the hell they let you guys go. fuck 'em.
it's there loss.


just so everyone knows:

Comcast (which as you all know own G4techtv now) wants to make as much money as possible, they don't care what you think, so spaming there forums won't do a damn thing. All they will end up doing is selling the network to someone else or just stop it outright.

So again, flaming them on there forums == dumb idea

But i digress:
I remember seeing that DUI video before, It's from Reno 911 if i remember right, Funny stuff.

Andrew Perrin

Keep on Keepin On!!


Glad to see the blog is staying up. I just recently found it, and the guys (Kevin, Sarah, Alex, and Dan) have been great to watch!

As to spamming the G4 forums, why not, makes me feel a hell of alot better!



Alex I hope the best for you and I just wanted to say that keeping this open is great. If you were to setup some sort of donation collection I'm sure that all of us will be willing to help out. I know I would.


Good for you alex also im pretty sure that drunk clip is from Reno 911 on Comedy Central


Good luck dude.. We will miss ya... i just hope u come back to g4... try..


Good for you!!! Best of luck in whatever you do in the future.


You made me laugh so hard, you remind me of me (my type of humor) thanks for that, I hope to see you back on tv sometime soon so you can continue to make us laugh with your wit. I still find it wierd they let a great talent like you go. Keep posting Alex and we'll see you soon on television!!!


Maybe you can do more commercials that involve your butt, that's always good.

Best of luck.

Crazy Caboose

Good that u keeping the site for spaming the g4 forums...I dunno if it would work cause they have probably gotton so much emails that they probably dont care anymore...Hack the G4 server... That'll get there attention!

Crazy  Caboose


U could always use your Computer Science Degree to get a good job.


If no one could hack the box on TSS with the IP Address, what chance do you think there is that the server will get hacked?

BC Dailey

I wish there was some way I could e-mail Alex, Kev, Sarah, Yosh, Foo, Marty and Laura, hell, even the Woo-Woo Guy personally. SO I hope Alex reads the comments on his Blog, because I want him to know that he is a funny mother f'er. The rapport that he and Kevin had on screen reminded me of myself and my friends, and all of the fun crap we've done over the years. I will miss you guys and the show. G4 doesn't know what they're losing.


It's too bad they they are destroying a good show so soon in it's run. I wish you the best of luck finding a new position and the best of luck to the rest of the ex-TSS crew.


Big ups to you Alex! Thanks for deciding to keep this site going, it's good stuff and we all want to keep in touch with what you've got going on. I guess you can consider all the peeps that are totally upset about all this crap the "silent majority." We think you rock man! Respeck! Buyakasha!

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