Well hello there world! I know it's been over a month since I've posted and for that I'm sorry. But a lot of really cool things have been going on here. First and for most I've been busy creating new shows for Revision3, including "Ctrl+Alt+Chicken" a soon to be weekly cooking show, and "Outsourced" the worlds first weekly internet sitcom. Because of this and Diggnations crazy travel schedule I've been how you say... MIA? So again, sorry. Now on to important things. We're thrilled to have the opportunity to work with an amazing new commercial writer and director who wants to do a Diggnation commercial!!! Very exciting, only problem is we need a location. So this is what I propose to you out there. If anyone has, or knows someone who has, access to a Diner or Cafe that we could use this Sunday for the day we could really use your help. We've come up with the concept for a few quick tv spots for Diggnation that require us to shoot in either a diner or cafe for the day and we don't know where that would be. Please e-mail us at [email protected] if you have anything that would fit the bill and could let us use it for the day this Sunday we would be deeply in your dept and could offer you some cool stuff... well not that cool but we'll work something out.
Oh and we're going to be shooting in LA so the location has to be here...
Again sorry for the long downtime but keep on the look out for new shows soon...
- Alex